Tuesday, March 18, 2014

MISSING MH370: There's still hope for MAS airliner

Posted by Unknown at 3:16 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: The fact that there was no distress call, demand for ransom or any group claiming responsibility for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has given hope that the plane could be found.

"There is still hope for MH370 since there was no distress call, ransom or any group claiming responsibility," said Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein at a press briefing on the search for the missing aircraft here today.
Hope was also in the air when the search and rescue multinational operations involving 26 countries, begun today, focusing in the so-called southern corridor, involving the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
Australia and Indonesia have also agreed to lead the search in the two sectors of the 'southern corridor' in their respective regions.
In the last 24 hours, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has spoken to his counterpart from Australia and the Premier of China.
Hishammuddin, who is also the Defence Minister also pledged to review the nation's radar system after the search and rescue operation for the plane was completed. 
Meanwhile  Hishammuddin  also said the sharing of information with the various foreign agencies involved in the investigation of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines MH370 jetliner did not jeopardise the country's security because it was within limits.  
"It is not at a worrying level. But for the long term, we will review the capability of our radar. I have noted this to the prime minister," he said at a news conference on developments surrounding the missing aircraft here today.
Hishamuddin who is also acting Transport minister said the country's focus and priority was to search and track the MH370 aircraft.
He also dismissed the theory that the aircraft was hijacked via remote control.
"For me, this is not possible. If there is verified information we will definitely investigate," he said.
He also dismissed reports that Malaysia had refused an offer by the FBI to send a team to Malaysia. 
"That is clearly false information because Malaysia has been working with the FBI, interpol and other relevant international law enforcement authorities since day one," he stressed. 
Yesterday, experts from the Civil Aviation Administration of China also joined the investigation teams.
Today, officials from the French Office of Investigations and Analysis for the Safety of Civil Aviation arrived in Malaysia to lend their experience. 
These authorities are working with Malaysia Airlines and the DCA to refine data that can help with the search.
Hishammuddin also said that Chinese intelligence and authorities had been requested to relook the passenger list involving their citizens.
To a question as to whether the authorities had investigated the possibility of suicide by the pilot, Hishammuddin said the police were looking at all angles.  --BERNAMA

Read more: MISSING MH370: There's still hope for MAS airliner - Latest - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/latest/font-color-red-missing-mh370-font-there-s-still-hope-for-mas-airliner-1.518325#ixzz2wIQRlW3n


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