Tuesday, April 22, 2014

MH370: Cyclone Jack stops air search but Bluefin-21 to continue

Posted by Unknown at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Published: Tuesday April 22, 2014 MYT 10:46:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday April 22, 2014 MYT 10:49:51 AM

MH370: Cyclone Jack stops air search but Bluefin-21 to continue

PETALING JAYA: Air search activities to locate the missing MH370 have been suspended Tuesday due to poor weather conditions as a result of Cyclone Jack, said the Joint Agency Coordinating Centre.

It said the heavy seas and poor visibility would make search activities ineffective and potentially hazardous.

However, it said, the 10 ships involved in today’s search would continue with their planned activities.

It was earlier decided that up to 10 military aircraft would conduct the search.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority had planned for a visual search area of some 49,491 square kilometres. The centre of the search area lies approximately 1,584 kilometres north west of Perth.

Bluefin-21 AUV is currently completing mission nine in the underwater search area.

Bluefin-21 has searched approximately two thirds of the focused underwater search area to date. No contacts of interest have been found to date.

The focused underwater search area is defined as a circle of 10km radius around the second Towed Pinger Locator detection which occurred on April 8.

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Posted by Unknown at 11:23 AM 0 comments

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